Designed with safety in mind, we are a new way to connect with dog parents and furry friends in your neighborhood.

How it works

(in three easy steps)

First, tell us about you and your pup.

Fill out our sort intake form.

To ensure a secure and authentic community, we will ask you to verify yourself by uploading a picture or selfie of you and your dog.

Next, we’ll be matching you.

We will be on the lookout for nearby perfect matches for you and your pup. Stay tuned!

Last, meet your matches and repeat!

No more lonely walks or one-time encounters. We will put you in contact via a special GroupMe link (so your phone number is never shared!).

Organize fun meetups with your new matches. Make lasting friendships for you and your pup!

No more endless park scouting!

CityPup finds the perfect playmates for your pup right in your neighborhood, while building a supportive, local community for you.

The Result?

A happy pup and a strong network of friends willing to support you in your dog parenting journey!


CityPup’s inspiration.